Origin myth

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In the beginning there was only darkness. In its eternal slumber the darkness began to dream and born from this dream were two spirits. One, Yassau, embodied order and the other, Esagar, embodied entropy. The spirits did not long exist before caving to their creative and volatile natures. First Yassau built a world of order, pleasing in its mechanical perfection, every cog aligned and gleaming and working as it should. There was no birth, no death, no decay. It was ordered and beautiful and Yassau was pleased.

However Esagar's nature could not leave this creation be. This wonderous jewel within an empty void was too dead and sterile for any kind of pleasure to be gained. Esagar found it repugnant and caused beautiful, chaotic life to spring into being. Great trees, grasses and twisting vines grew through the cogs and small creatures gnawed upon the works, growing and nesting in every conceivable nook and cranny. Larger animals trod cloven hoof and clawed paw across once-gleaming surfaces. All was not well for Yassau'r perfect order and it fell into disrepair.

Yassau, upon seeing this beloved world so destroyed, set upon Easagar in a rage and a great war between them erupted.By their natures unable to destroy each other, both made armies of creatures to fight for them. Yassau created ranks upon ranks of marching mechanical constructs, each one an exact shining replica of the next. Esagar created creatures both beautiful and fierce, each winged and bipedal with glorious manes and sharp teeth, and whose colours and markings were as varied as they were striking.

The two armies fought for an age with neither side gaining ground. Eventually the ceaseless clashes disturbed the darkness enough that it began to dream once more and born from this dream was Aravei. Aravei was awed at both the beauty of creation and destruction held in chaotic, everlasting balance but had a nature of temperance and sought peace between the warring factions. Aravei approached Yassau and Esagar, speaking words of conciliation, co-operation and their potential for combined magnificence. They, both tiring of ceaseless conflict yet unable to conceive of its end until hearing Aravei's words, siezed the proffered alternative. Yassaur and Esagar, opposites in nature, were tempered by Aravei who guided their hands in co-creation.

A balanced triality was born and a new age dawned.
